Collection of training resources to support the standardization of neuroimaging data inside NCCR SYNAPSY
Monday, 08 March 2021
Wednesday, 21 April 2021
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
SYNAPSY neuroimaging data management plan: a Recap (view RevealJS / PDF)
A BIDS MRI dataset usacase: SYNAPSY early-psychosis dataset (view RevealJS / PDF)
Thursday, 14 October 2021 - Annual Meeting in Les Diablerets
From DICOM to BIDS dataset using Heudiconv (by James Kent):
Introduction to Datalad (by Adina Wagner):
Training modules by the ReproNim Team (
Reproducibility Basics Module ( to learn more about core tools such as shell, version control, etc. and how these tools could promote reproducibility in your research
Data and the FAIR principles Module ( to learn more about FAIR and BIDS
Lessons by Software Carpentry ( about basic lab skills for research computing such as the “Version Control with Git” lesson (
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